Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I am brand new to blogging! I really got started because I wanted to follow a few other blogs, not to blog myself.
After listening to K Love (a Chrisitian radio station) I wanted to join in with their 'word for the year'. Instead of a new year's resolution you seek a word from God to guide you through the year. I got SERVE. Really, are you sure about that God?! See I have a baby and I have served, I'm still nursing (over 8 months now) and fulfilling his every need plus a grad student plus running the house plus, plus, plus...
God just waited, He said- Do I really have to repeat myself? I will if you make me.
Ok, I got serve, develop a servant's heart.
"Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others" Philipians 2:4
Now do I have to share my word? What if nobody else knew? If I tell I have to be held accountable. This is not going as I planned. Can't I get a cool word like encourage, inspire or just be. Nope, got to start at the basics...serve. Should be an interesting year ;)


  1. Hello! I found you on Women Living Well's blog hop and am SO excited to be your first follower! :) At my Bible study this evening, the verse 1 Timothy 6:18 popped out at me. I speaks about being "ready to serve and willing to share."
    Jan at Jewelry4Change http://www.jewelry4change.blogspot.com

  2. Thanks Jan. Your blog is so cute and I just love how you are supporting the Ethopia project!!
